Monday 15 August 2011

keeping it cool....... WE SOLD OUT!

Yesterday we played to a sold out audience. It was a wonderful feeling to know that people had come out to see us. I have to say thank you to those people, and the ones that came before, for taking a chance, taking a trip and taking in the exhausting heat in that building.
The energy and engagement we felt from the audience as we performed only made our jobs that much easier.

In conclusion, I LOVE FRINGE!
The people are friendly and interested.
People want to hear about our show.
People will lean over and have a conversation with you in the beer gardens.
There is beer.
There are small children who play the violin very well and are building up their college funds on the grounds.
The mini donuts are abundant.
The atmosphere is ripe with creativity and laughter.
People came to see our dance show.

Don't miss our last three shows!
Monday @ 10:15
Thursday @ 4:00
Friday @ 6:00

Friday 12 August 2011


**photo by Omer Yukseker

Check out VUE weekly Edmonton - page 5.
We open our show tomorrow and it's going to be fun. We had a technical rehearsal today with lights and props and music and a stage. Our Stage Manager keeps things running smoothly and our lighting designer is highlighting our talents. I have to say that I have confidence that anyone who comes to see this show will have their feet moving at some point. Oh yeah, we spent some time at the beer tent tonight. One night of many to come.

First Show:
2:15 pm @ Academy at King Edward ( brick school) 85th Ave and 101 St.
Come out to rock!